Robert F. Kennedy’s Granddaughter & Her Son Missing After Canoeing Accident

Robert F. Kennedy’s Granddaughter and her son are missing after an apparent canoeing accident. Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean and Gideon Joseph Kennedy McKean reportedly disappeared on April 2 after canoeing in Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis, Md., her husband, David McKean, told the Washington Post. David explained to the paper that Maeve and their 8-year-old were trying to retrieve a ball that was kicked into the water during a family get-together at the home of Maeve’s mother and former Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. According to the published report, David said that 40-year-old Maeve and Gideon, 8, “got farther out than they could handle and couldn’t get back” to shore.