‘Squid Game: The Challenge’: LeAnn Shares How She Prepared To Compete On Show Alongside Son Trey
More than $4.5 million is on the line for the final three competitors on “Squid Game: The Challenge,” a reality competition show based on the hit scripted South Korean television series. Sam Lantz, Mai Whelan and Phill Cain told Access Hollywood how it felt to be the last one’s standing. Plus, contestant LeAnn Wilcox Plutnicki – who was part of a fan-favorite duo with her son Trey Plutnicki – shared how she made sure she was physically prepared for the competition. “I hired a trainer to help me with balance, because when you reach a certain age, it’s very important to keep your balance,” she said, adding that she also practiced the show’s iconic “Red Light, Green” light challenge. The season finale of “Squid Game: The Challenge” hits Netflix on Dec. 6.