Kevin Smith has lost 20 pounds since he suffered a massive heart attack nearly two months ago.
The comedian shared the exciting health news on his Twitter account on Wednesday, telling fans that he’s lost the weight in just 13 days.
“I’m officially down 20 pounds as of this morning! 20 pounds in 13 days & my blood pressure is amazing. How did this happen? @pennjillette & his book “Presto” turned me on to @RayCronise and his program at http://justsides.com,” Kevin revealed on Twitter. ” My Doc said lose 50 pounds. 20 down, 30 more to go!”
Kevin told his followers that his weight loss journey is not over yet. On doctor’s orders, he has another 30 pounds to lose in order to get back into good shape for his heart and health.
The 47-year-old star also revealed he turned to Penn Jillette’s book “Presto! How I Made Over 100 Pounds Disappear and Other Magical Tales” to help him focus on healthy recipes. The book also introduced him to Just Sides, a plant-based meal program from Ray Cronise.
In February, Kevin was rushed to the hospital after suffering a massive heart attack in between his comedy shows. He took to Twitter to share the news with his fans the same day.
“After the first show this evening, I had a massive heart attack. The Doctor who saved my life told me I had 100% blockage of my LAD artery (aka “the Widow-Maker”),” he wrote in a tweet alongside a photo of himself in a hospital bed. “If I hadn’t canceled show 2 to go to the hospital, I would’ve died tonight. But for now, I’m still above ground!”
We’re glad to see Kevin is on the road to recovery!
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