As a two-time “Dancing with the Stars” champ, Cheryl Burke’s jaw-dropping moves leave fans in awe and her killer body inspires many to hit the gym. But, even this dance sensation has her moments of self-doubt, revealing, “I’ve gone through my own issues with body image and being depressed a few years ago. It’s hard because in the outside world there are so many haters who want to take you down, but you have to try and keep head up and surround yourself with people who make you feel good.”
Healthy Hollywood chatted with the ballroom pro last week. Cheryl’s always came back to the topic of inspiring women. So, it’s for that reason, she teamed up with the new Silhouette Depend, which helps women deal with bladder control issues. “I don’t need Depend. For me, it’s all about inspiring women and making sure that no one feels ashamed about whatever issue they’re going through,” states Cheryl.
To help empower women, the dancing superstar wore a pair of briefs underneath her tight-fitting dance costume, adding, “If I can wear the briefs comfortably under my dance costume, they can wear them too.”
Cheryl is joining year two of the Great American Try On (Lisa Rinna did year one) and as result of her participation, Depend is donating 50 thousand dollars to the women’s charity, Dress for Success. It’s an awesome group that helps women-in-need find a job.
Cheryl also credits her hard-won confidence to dance. “It’s been an amazing gift. It made me very disciplined growing up.”
While, she and her DWTS partner, comedian D.L. Hughley, got cut last week from the show, Cheryl shared the secret to surviving their crazy dance schedule, which included 6 to 7 hours of daily rehearsals. “It’s all about snacking. I used to not eat during rehearsals, but being there for hours on end, it’s important to take breaks and snack and rejuvenate body and mind. Take a 20 minute break and you will be surprised how much of a difference that makes.”
There’s another major milestone right around the corner. She’s about to celebrate her 29th birthday and can’t wait to be 30. “Being in your late 20s, I feel you have so many insecurities, like ‘what am I going to do with my life.’ But, I feel when you hit 30, you have actually have peace with yourself and can accept yourself for who you are.”
To learn more and support Cheryl, visit www.thegreatamericantryon.com
— Terri MacLeod
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