Faced with claims that she’s too thin, Miley fired back at her critics saying that she has an allergy to gluten.
“For everyone calling me anorexic I have a gluten and lactose allergy. It’s not about weight it’s about health. Gluten is crapppp anyway,” the actress/singer recently Tweeted!
Seems gluten-free is everywhere. Whenever I hit the grocery store I see an increasing number of gluten-free products, health headlines tout the benefits of a g-free lifestyle and even the guy in line at Dunkin’ Donuts is asking if they have gluten-free bagels. So, what’s up? Are we in the midst of a gluten-free dietary revolution? It seems kind of similar to the ‘fat-free’ or ‘go organic’ days. “Somehow gluten free has developed a ‘health halo’ meaning that people are now associating the commitment to being gluten-free with a healthier lifestyle,” reveals health expert Amy Handel, who adds, “Certainly many of us need to control the amount and frequency of grains and bread-like carbs, because we eat too much and because in addition to weight gain (from consuming too many carbs) we get too much sodium from breads.”
Gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, can trigger a severe allergic reaction in someone suffering from celiac disease. Others may have a gluten sensitivity, which causes bloating and abdominal issues – but most of can tolerate gluten in our diets.
Miley tried to encourage her fans to try a gluten-free diet, Tweeting, “Everyone should try no gluten for a week. The change in your skin, physical and mental health is amazing! You won’t go back!” Yet, health experts, like Amy, state if you don’t have a reason to go gluten-free, there is no additional health benefit. But, avoiding ‘white’ processed grains found in traditional pasta and breads, in exchange for whole grains and grains that offer high levels of protein, like quinoa, is a healthier, more nutrient-packed option for all.
For more health tips, check out Amy Handel’s site, www.healthgal.com
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