Sheryl Crow Says She ‘Wouldn’t’ Have Started Music Career In Current Era Of Social Media ‘Chatter’

Sheryl Crow is one of the newest inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! At the induction ceremony, the music superstar told Access Hollywood about the “surreal” honor and shared how her kids reacted to the milestone. She also gushed over Olivia Rodrigo, who she’s performing with at the Hall of Fame ceremony. “The more I’ve gotten to know her, the more I feel like she’s the real deal. She’s a great writer. She seems less interested in the fame part of it and more into the crafting, and I love that. You have such a better shot at the career if you love the work,” Sheryl said. She added of the world of music and celebrity today, “I just think, if I had to come out now with social media and all of the chatter, I wouldn’t do it – or the self-promotion, because your image is so much bigger than a song. But I think she’s got her head on her shoulders. I’m always telling young artists to stay out of the chatter and stay into the music.”
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