A Very Serious Q&A With Chuck Wicks’ Christmas Elf

What’s better than an Elf on the Shelf? Chuck Wicks’ Chuck
on the Shelf (obviously).

The country singer and co-host of “America’s Morning
Show” created a shelf-dwelling Christmas mini-me for the holidays and has
been documenting the pair’s shenanigans on Instagram.

Chuck Wicks
(Jim Wright)

We spoke (well, e-mailed) with Chuck on the Shelf for
some insight into Chuck’s holiday season as he prepares for the February 26 release of his second full-length album, trains for the Ironman triathlon, and calls/sends
personalized handwritten cards to every fan who purchased his new album on

PHOTOS: Hot Shots Of Chuck Wicks

Based on Chuck on the Shelf’s revelations, we have to admit we kind of want to hang out with him…

Here’s what he had to say:

AccessHollywoodcom: Describe your preshow rituals.

Chuck On The Shelf: Red suit – check. Red elf hat – check. White gloves – check. Mini bottle of Jack from mini bar – check. Creepy Chuck Wicks face on – check. Showtime!

Access: Are you getting along with Chuck’s dogs, Cooper and Duke? Any near-death-by-chewing experiences?

Chuck On The Shelf: Nah. Coop and Duke are my people.  They’re all Tongue and No Teeth. Kisses for days. Biting… Not so much.

Access: You’ve overheard Chuck calling each and every person who bought his upcoming album, “Turning Point,” on pre-sale. Any funny fan reactions to share?

Chuck On The Shelf: Chuck has the best fans. I know he thinks the world of them. There was a funny one though I’ll never forget. Some kid borrowed his dad’s credit card to buy Chuck’s album. Dad didn’t know about it… until he answered Chuck’s call. Oooops. Someone’s grounded!! But Chuck was smooth. Before the dad got off the phone, not only did he get the kid “ungrounded,” he turned the dad into a fan as well!!  That’s how Chuck rolls.

Access: What’s on your tour rider?

Chuck On The Shelf: Mini bar.  Duh.

Access: What is your favorite “Turning Point” track? Why?

Chuck On The Shelf: “She’s Gone” is my jam. “Over You, Over Me” tugs at my elf feels, and “I Don’t Do Lonely Well.” Let me tell you, it’s like Chuck is speaking directly to me!

Access: Who’s the better athlete – you or Chuck?

Chuck On The Shelf: Is this even a question? No one can compete with 12 inches of Pure Elf!!

Access: What do you do during your downtime?

Chuck On The Shelf: Find shelves and unload on the mini bar.

Access: What are your plans for Christmas?

Chuck On The Shelf: Chill with Chuck probably. He’s my sugar daddy.

Access: Who will you kiss on New Year’s Eve?

Chuck On The Shelf: It sounds weird, but I’m kinda into humans. So anyone who wants to pick me up, I’m down.  

Access: Is Chuck on the Naughty or Nice list this year?

Chuck On The Shelf: Naughty. I mean, I’m already sitting on the edge.

Access: Once the holidays are over, where will you vacation/hibernate until next December?

Chuck On The Shelf: Chuck is a pretty cool guy so I don’t think I’ll go too far after Christmas. I’ll probably chill in the closet – somewhere I’m reachable at anytime. Who knows… if a party breaks out I might just make an out-of-season appearance.

Erin O’Sullivan

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