According to Corey Haim’s mother, Judy Haim, the city of Toronto will be covering the costs of the actor’s funeral on Tuesday – but a rep for the city told Access Hollywood they have yet to receive an application for assistance.
On Saturday, Judy told Access’ Maria Menounos that the city would pay for her son’s funeral.
But on Monday, Kevin Sack, Director of Communications for the City of Toronto, told Access that the city has yet to receive an application for assistance in Haim’s funeral services.
“The City of Toronto has never received an application for assistance with the funeral costs for Mr. Haim,” Sack said in a statement to Access.
Stack stressed to Access that they are not “denying” assistance for Haim’s funeral, but at this time they are not covering it.
“While the City of Toronto is not involved in Mr. Haim’s funeral, the City of Toronto, like most municipalities, assists deceased Toronto residents that do not have adequate resources within their estate to pay for a basic funeral and burial,” the statement continued. “An evaluation of the Estate is conducted before any assistance is provided. The program is administered by the City’s Toronto Employment and Social Services Division.”
On Saturday Judy added that Startifacts.com, a celebrity memorabilia site, had offered to cover additional costs — Corey’s tombstone, food, guests and other miscellaneous expenses — though it has not yet provided such funds.
Earlier on Saturday, a rep for Startifacts.com told Access that the site has offered $20,000 to the Haim family to help cover funeral costs and other expenses.
According to the rep, site owner Michael Kronick first befriended the troubled actor in the early 2000s, buying a number of personal items from him. Upon hearing the news of Corey’s death, the site reached out to the family to provide assistance.
As previously reported by AccessHollywood.com, Haim friend and fellow former child actor Scott Schwartz had been organizing the late star’s belongings to sell on eBay in order to raise money for the funeral, which the rep said Startifacts has since purchased directly.
However, as of Saturday afternoon, three items from Corey’s personal wardrobe remained up for auction on Schwartz’s eBay page.
The rep said the site plans to hold future benefit auctions with the memorabilia, but in the meantime, intends on giving the family a $20,000 check at the funeral on Tuesday.
The family, which reached out to the public on Friday for aid, is still in need of financial assistance, which fans can provide via the Corey Haim Memorial Fund.
“We gave that money out of the goodness of our heart, but we do work with so many celebrities and we always try to help them out, especially when they’re hard on cash,” the Startifacts rep said, urging that Corey fans continue to support Judy – who is battling cancer and undergoing chemotherapy – by donating to the Memorial Fund.
Judy told Access last week that she was informed by the LA County Corner’s Office that her son had died of pulmonary congestion. His toxicology report is expected to be released in six to eight weeks. The actor died in the early morning hours of March 10.
CLICK HERE to donate to the Corey Haim Memorial Fund.
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