The Royal Family Just Set Some Intense Social Media Guidelines To Combat Internet Trolls

The Royal Family Just Set Some Intense Social Media Guidelines To Combat Internet Trolls

The royal family is drawing a hard line for trolls on social media.

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In an effort to create a “safe environment” on their social media accounts, the royals have released a list of guidelines for fans that interact with them on Twitter and Instagram.

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The new rules ask that followers show “courtesy, kindness, and respect” to the members in their social media communities and set a strict list of standards that are expected to be upheld in the comment section.

Comments may not:

  1. “Contain spam, be defamatory of any person, deceive others, be obscene, offensive, threatening, abusive, hateful, inflammatory, or promote sexually explicit material or violence.”
  2. “Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.”
  3. “Breach any of the terms of any of the social media platforms themselves.”
  4. “Be off-topic, irrelevant or unintelligible.”
  5. “Contain any advertising or promote any services.”

And if you break any of these rules? The royals say they reserve the right to “hide or delete comments made on [their] channels, as well as block users who do not follow these guidelines.”

Taking it a step further, any comments that the royal family deem appropriate will be sent to “law enforcement authorities for investigation.”

That’s one way to rid the world of haters!

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