Fresh off the success of their hit Disney Channel movie, “Camp Rock,” and their chart-busting third studio album, “A Little Bit Longer,” The Jonas Brothers are poised to conquer yet another part of Hollywood — TV shows.
The Disney siblings will begin filming a new Disney Channel series in mid-September, Joe Jonas told ELLEgirl magazine.
“It’s going to be about us as a band but dealing with normal things like trying to take out the trash and how not to get hounded by fans,” Joe told the mag.
The as-yet untitled Jonas Brothers series was originally going to be about a boy band living a double life as spies, according to People. But during a recent chat with Ryan Seacrest on his KIIS-FM radio show, “On Air With Ryan Seacrest,” the brothers said their new series would have a HBO’s “Flight of the Conchords” feel to it.
“It’s going to be a funny show, and it’s going to be a great cast,” Joe said. “The writers are working on it as we speak, so we should be seeing scripts any day. I’m really excited.”
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