In “Eclipse,” Team Jacob gets a big moment – Jacob and Bella finally kiss.
Although it might look romantic on screen, for real-life friends Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart, the lip-lock was a little weird.
“As soon as we finished, as soon as we pulled away and they called cut, she’d look at me and I’d look at her and there would be a moment of silence,” Taylor told Access Hollywood’s Shaun Robinson at the “Eclipse” junket on Saturday. “And she would go…
‘We just kissed!’ It’s definitely interesting but when we film, we become Jacob and Bella.”
Taylor’s character may come close to getting the girl, but as Twi-hards know, it’s Edward (Robert Pattinson) who ultimately wins Bella’s love – a situation that Taylor wouldn’t want to have himself.
“[Jacob] becomes a little frustrated, because he always gets so close — he kisses her this time!” he said. “He becomes as close as you can get and still gets told no. It’s a tough situation; I definitely would not want to be in it.”
Kissing Kristen may have been “interesting,” but Taylor added that filming scenes with Robert, the other member of the trio’s vampire-wolf-human love triangle, was even harder.
“One of the most challenging things about filming this was having to hate Edward, because I’m looking at Rob and it was difficult,” Taylor explained. “Every time we’d have a shouting match or he’d grab me on the shoulder or something, as soon as they called cut, we’d bust out laughing. Or we’d ruin plenty of takes.”
“The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” is due in theaters on June 30.
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