Rebecca Romijn hit the set of “Eastwick,” her new drama for ABC, eight weeks after giving birth to her twins, Dolly and Charlie, earlier this year — and on Saturday she revealed that not only did her babies tag along, her co-workers had a code name for her nursing time.
According to Rebecca, her fellow “Eastwickians” referred to the time she fed her babies, which happened once every three hours on set, as “Rebecca Zydeco.”
“The crew members would be like. ‘I gotta go outside and Zydeco myself,’” she told reporters at the ABC Television Critics Association in Pasadena, Calif., response to a question from Access Hollywood.
While Rebecca has been back in shape for months, the former model admitted she is a little uncomfortable watching herself in the pilot, which will air on ABC this fall.
“I have a little bit of a hard time looking at myself in the pilot because I’m like, ‘That lady just had two babies,’” she continued. “I mean, it’s for my own vanity purposes.”
Rebecca’s twins aren’t on set with her any more, but they have a very loving person to look after them – their dad — her husband, Jerry O’Connell.
“My husband is taking a little bit of time off to take care of them and they’re on set here and there, but not all the time,” she said.
When asked by Access following the event if Jerry was doing a good job as Mr. Mom, Rebecca said she couldn’t be happier with his daddy duty.
“He’s doing great,” she said. “He’s got so much energy, he brings them to set. He’s doing great.”
But does she give him any tips?
“No,” she replied. “He’s doing really well.”
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