After taking a dance-tastic journey across the globe, Madonna has released a live DVD/CD set of her record-breaking “Sticky & Sweet” tour. Recorded live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the one-and-only Miss M returns to the country after a 13-year absence entertaining the audience with both past and present hits and of course, “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina.”
Having missed her “Sticky & Sweet” show when it was in Los Angeles, (I have since called it “one of the biggest regrets of my life”) I was thrilled to catch the visual masterpiece that is a Madonna concert on the small screen. The show is comprised of a perfectly crafted playlist, including several impressive updates on her classics. For instance, on “Borderline” and “Ray of Light,” Madge becomes a guitar hero and channels her inner rock goddess.
Madonna infuses her 2000 hit “Music” with Fedde Le Grand’s “Put Your Hands Up Detroit” and Indeep’s “Last Night a Deejay Saved My Life,” and puts on the best choreographed dance routine I’ve seen since her “Confessions” tour.
“She’s Not Me” is included on both the DVD and CD, but really needs to be watched closely to be fully appreciated. During the song, four Madonna look-a-likes appear onstage dressed in four of her most iconic looks. After kissing her imposters on the lips and then dismissing them, Madonna entertains the crowd with an impressive solo dance.
On “4 Minutes” Justin Timberlake and Timbaland perform with Madonna as giant videos behind her. Then the crowd explodes when Britney Spears appears onscreen to say, “It’s Britney, Bitch” during her performance of “Human Nature.”
“Spanish Lesson” is all the more magical when performed in front of thousands of gorgeous screaming Argentinean fans and has Madonna tangoing across the stage with several dancers draped in black cloaks- AMAZING!
She further embraces her worldly music sounds on “La Isla Bonita,” collaborating with the Ukranian-gypsy group Kolpakov Trio. The sound of the band’s guitars and violins mixed with Madonna and her dancers ‘ perfect moves had me on my feet in no time — even in my living room!
Madonna tones it down and shows her love for the people of Buenos Aires, doing a touching medley of “You Must Love Me ” and the aforementioned “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina” from “Evita.” The looks of sheer adoration on the faces of M’s fans are incredible.
Aside from the live show, the DVD has a behind-the-scenes featurette that gives an exciting peek into Madonna’s daily tour life as she travels the globe. She says retirement isn’t in her future, “I am a gypsy at heart. I can’t imagine that I will ever stop touring. People call me an adrenaline junkie – I am about to prove them right.”
We are given a rare glimpse at The Material Girl during her tour, often with no makeup, wet hair and dressed in Adidas tracksuits. Madge is shown handpicking her beloved dancers for the tour, revealing that she always hires the most untrained talent. On another tour stop, Madge is shown goofing off serenading a crewmember to Katy Perry’s “I Kissed A Girl.”
Madonna is overcome with emotion as she finds out Barack Obama has won the presidential election moments before taking the stage in San Diego. She tearfully says, “I finally feel like there’s light at the end of the tunnel.”
I’m so glad this “Sticky & Sweet” package is out, but it made me really mad at myself that I missed her show live, and has me craving a new album from Madonna soon… and a corresponding world tour, of course!
— Anthony Ramos
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