Nicky Hilton Makes Citizen’s Arrest Outside IHOP

Celebutante Nicky Hilton made a citizen’s arrest over the weekend.

Perhaps even more interesting – it happened while Nicky was eating at an IHOP!

Access Hollywood has learned Nicky was leaving the International House of Pancakes on Santa Monica Blvd. (in West Hollywood) just before 5 AM on Saturday when Michael Broadhurst, 50, allegedly pushed her from behind.

While she wasn’t robbed or hurt, Nicky was extremely upset, authorities told Access.

A sheriff’s deputy inside the restaurant came out to check on what he referred to as a “commotion” and found Nicky placing the man under a “private person’s arrest.”

He and another deputy helped out, but authorities told Access that Paris’ kid sister had it all under control.

Broadhurst has been ordered to appear in court on April 21.

If it makes Nicky feel any better, if she returns to IHOP on Tuesday, she’ll get free breakfast – it’s National Pancake Day.

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