“The Vampire Diaries” seemingly ushered out one of its most beloved cast members – Joseph Morgan – when Klaus’ body was staked and possibly destroyed in The CW show’s Season 3 finale, but Michael Trevino doesn’t think his cast mate is gone for good.
“I’d have to say, it’d be really tough to get rid of Joseph Morgan on our show, I would imagine that he’d be back in some capacity real soon,” Michael, who plays werewolf-vampire hybrid Tyler Lockwood on the drama told Access Hollywood at the Monte Carlo Television Festival on Thursday.
As fans know, Klaus actually took over Tyler’s body, so the question that remains is where is the real Tyler?
“We don’t know,” Michael told Access. “I mean, at this point, honestly, because Klaus is in Tyler’s body, we don’t know what’s gonna happen when Klaus gets back into his body. We don’t know where Tyler’s gonna be or what his fate is gonna be at that point.”
If Klaus’ body still exists, that is.
In the meantime, while Klaus is using Tyler’s face, it sounds like he’ll be taking another shot at the woman he continues to lust after – Caroline.
“One would assume that if you’re Klaus and you’re in Tyler’s body, you’re going to take advantage of that, and maybe make a play again at Caroline because you’ve been trying so hard to steal her from Tyler,” Michael said. “I would imagine [in] the first episode something like that’s gonna happen.”
Playing a new role on the show has come with its challenges for Michael, but he’s enjoyed trying to embody Klaus/Tyler.
“I told myself not to imitate how Joseph Morgan plays Klaus. I think it was more of a just ‘keep it real subtle’ and what I can tell from Joseph, [as] anyone who watches the show [sees], he’s really focused in and very direct with whoever he’s doing the scene with,” Michael explained. “So I took that note and kind of just ran with it and sprinkled my own little Klaus mannerisms in there… Just a little flavor. He’s a Brit. I want to throw my little swagger in there.”
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