Matthew McConaughey Joins Instagram On His 50th Birthday

Matthew McConaughey Was On Another Planet After He Accidentally Smoked Snoop Dogg's Weed

Another reason to celebrate! Heartthrob and award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey joined Instagram for the very first time—and he posted on his own birthday!

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officially mcconaughey

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The newly 50-year-old actor shared a sweet video message, saying he’s a little nervous about sharing his life with the entire world.

“I know I want to have a monologue, I’m not sure I want to have the dialogue,” he joked. “But, I’ve learned that you’ve gotta have the dialogue to have the monologue just as you have to have the monologue to have the dialogue. So I’m looking forward to it.”

WATCH: Jennifer Aniston Breaks Guinness World Record For Quickest To Gain 1 Million Instagram Followers

As for what fans and followers can expect when they go to his page? Matthew says he’s excited for people to see the real him, and if what he wants to share “translates.”  He then wonders about the effects his opinions might have.

“If it tickles your funny bone. If it makes you think a second. If it makes your heart swell up a little bit.”

The actor signs off his first Instagram video with, “Let’s have some fun with it.”

Apparently ‘tis the season to join Instagram—just two weeks ago, Jennifer Aniston became the fastest person to ever attract 1 million followers when she joined the site.

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And now we’re Instagram FRIENDS too. HI INSTAGRAM 👋🏻

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Both of these additions to social media are all right, all right, all right with us!

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