‘Little People Big World’ Star Arrested On Suspicion Of DUI

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Oregon (July 21, 2007) – Matthew Roloff, the well-known farming father on TLC’s “Little People Big World,” was arrested last month on allegations of DUI.

Roloff was driving a white, 2005 Chevrolet van on West Union Road in Washington County, when officers spotted the vehicle, which appeared unable to stay within its own lane. Sheriffs pulled over the vehicle and identified the driver as the 45-year-old Roloff.

Authorities report Roloff allegedly failed the field sobriety test. He was taken to the Washington County jail where he was cited for a DUI. Sherriff’s Department officials confirm Roloff refused to take a breath test.

After being cited, Roloff was later released.

The “Little People Big World” star issued a statement Tuesday.

“I have entered a plea of innocent. I respect the judicial process and in fairness to the court I will not comment further on this case until it is resolved,” Roloff’s statement read.

TLC, who air Roloff’s show, echoed his statement in their own. “We understand that Matt Roloff has pleaded not guilty to the charges. We respect the judicial process and will not offer comment until court proceedings have run their course,” the network’s statement read.

Roloff was born with diastrophic dysplasia. His wife and one of his sons, Zach, both have achondroplasia. The show details how the family, which has three children of normal size, face challenges in the world.

Prior to Roloff’s involvement in the TLC show, he took many parts in Hollywood including starring as an Ewok in “Ewoks: The Battle For Endor”

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