Jennifer Lawrence had a gag gift hidden under her hotel bed recently, which was discovered by the maid.
“Somebody as a joke bought me a bunch of butt plugs. It’s a long story,” she said, laughing, during a Wednesday appearance on “Conan.” “So I had a copious amount of butt plugs — tons of butt plugs, huge amounts of different colored butt plugs – and then the maid was coming so I was like, ‘Well I’ll just shove this under the bed so she doesn’t see all these butt plugs.’ She might not know they’re for a joke.”
Unfortunately for the 23-year-old Oscar winner, the maid cleaned the room thoroughly.
“Then I came back and all of them were brought out of the bed and were in this beautiful display on my bedside table,” she said. “I think she knew what she was doing. They’re under the bed. I wanted to leave a note like, ‘not mine’ or ‘bought as joke.’”
And the actress didn’t stop there with the cringe-worthy stories! Jennifer also revealed she wet her bed as a teenager, then announced it to her classmates.
“I peed my pants when I was in seventh grade. Or not peed my pants, I peed when I was sleeping. I wet the bed and I just thought, ‘Who wets the bed when they’re 13?’ And so I couldn’t wait to get to school and tell everybody,” she recalled. “Then I went into the bleachers and was like, ‘Everybody, I wet the bed last night’ thinking everybody was going to think that was so funny and cool and it was just silent.”
— Erin O’Sullivan
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