Healthy Hollywood: Get Movin’ Monday — Be Fit Like Jennifer Aniston!

Thanks to Aniston baby bump watchers, Jennifer’s body is the object of much scrutiny.

Another day, another rumor about whether the superstar and her boyfriend, Justin Theroux, are expecting. Most recently, headlines declared ‘Jennifer’s boobs are huge,’ after the star flaunted a bustier silhouette at the Glamour Women Of The Year Awards.

Jennifer shot down baby rumors, claiming she’s gained weight because she quit smoking. We like the smoke-free Aniston! A FITNESS magazine survey reveals we also like her body.

65 percent of those surveyed said they want Aniston’s abs. So, what’s the secret to her sculpted physique? One word — yoga!

The actress is a major fan of body-sculpting yoga. Aniston’s longtime yoga teacher, Mandy Ingber, revealed to FITNESS, her favorite poses. “She likes sun salutations. Those are good for her arms. And she loves balancing poses. She’s very focused and graceful. She could stay in tree pose longer than I could! She’s learned how to stay focused amid a bunch of other stuff happening.”

If you want Aniston’s abs and tightened tush, you’ll have to work hard—she does! Mandy revealed to FITNESS that tummy-toning planks are part of Jennifer’s must-do routine—whether she likes it or not! “I hear her grunt with that one sometimes. Or bringing the knee to the forehead from downward-facing dog—the moves that really engage the core.”

Mandy, who recently held a sweat-inducing workshop for us regular practitioners at New York City’s Pure Yoga, mixes traditional poses with calisthenics—in a practice she calls ‘yogalosophy.’ “There was a call to make yoga sessions feel more like workouts—something that leaves your butt sore after class. That’s nice. Then you know you really worked the muscles,” adds Mandy.

While the LA-based Ingber trains Aniston and other high-profile stars, she says her celebrity clients are no different. “There’s no secret. Everyone has to heat up and sweat through it. I’m not here to feed spirituality. I’m no guru, and I don’t see myself as that. Spirituality is highly personal. But what I do with celebs is motivate to keep their working going. People need motivation on a daily basis.”

For more information on Mandy’s ‘yogalosophy,’ head to Plus, there’s plenty of workout tips at

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