In the Golden Globe-winning film “Slumdog Millionaire,” Freida Pinto wins the heart of Dev Patel – and thousands of moviegoers. Not bad for her first film. The Mumbai-born actress was a natural for “Slumdog,” which follows the rags-to-riches story of co-star Dev’s Jamal – and she told Access Hollywood that making the movie was like finding first love.
“I pinch myself all the time,” she told Access. “I still can’t get myself to comprehend the fact that this is my first film. It’s like your first love.”
And’s latest Rising Star, who spent two years modeling before being discovered by director Danny Boyle, gave the helmer much of the credit.
“I think he did fantastic,” Freida said. “He can do anything. Coming from Mumbai… I saw the film for the first time [and] it took a foreign perspective, a foreign director to come down to Mumbai and capture it in its truest light. That just takes so much courage.”
The film’s uplifting story has struck a chord with audiences, with fans giving the cast a warm welcome at the Golden Globes last Sunday. The film went on to win four awards that evening, including Best Picture and Best Director.
“Dev and I stepped out of the car, the first thing you see [was] fans out there chanting ‘Slumdog! Slumdog!’ I went, ‘Wow, everyone is rooting for us.’ It just felt incredible,” she said.
Freida said she was a little starstruck herself – but not by the A-list actors.
“Sting and Bruce Springsteen, oh my God,” she said. “I said, ‘Forget the calm composure, I’m just gonna scream if I want to.’ Sting gave me the warmest hug and then Bruce Springsteen said, ‘It’s an absolute pleasure.’”
As for her next film? The first-timer, who’s up for Best Supporting Actress at the BAFTAs, admitted it would be hard to top “Slumdog.”
“In a way it’s a blessing and a curse,” she said. “[I] can’t get over it now. [I’m] always going to remember it forever.”
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