Hugh Hefner and Playmate Crystal Harris’ highly publicized wedding had been scheduled to take place on Saturday. However, the pair announced their split on Tuesday, and Crystal took a quick trip to Sin City to clear her head on what would have been the former couple’s wedding day.
“I’m doing OK,” Crystal, 25, told press at Wet Republic poolside club in Las Vegas on Saturday. “I just had to get away. Today is the day, and I just had to get away.”
The blond bombshell looked none the worse for wear, catching rays poolside with former “The Hills” star Heidi Montag, and stunning partygoers in a black bikini.
“I wanted to be true to myself and be true to what was best for everybody,” Crystal said, when asked why her and Hef’s marriage plans fell apart. “It was a mutual decision between the both of us.
“I’m giving Hef back the ring … I just want to move forward,” she continued.
Crystal, who is pursuing a career in music, was also photographed perusing a copy of Playboy’s latest issue – which features the model on the cover with the headline, “Introducing Mrs. Crystal Hefner.”
As previously reported on, both Hugh and Crystal confirmed their split on Tuesday.
Hef shared the news on Twitter after the story first broke, Tweeting, “The wedding is off. Crystal has had a change of heart.”
Later on Tuesday, Crystal issued a statement on her own website.
“After much deep reflection and thought I have decided to end my engagement with Hef,” she said in her statement. “I have the utmost respect for Hef and wish him the best going forward. I hope the media will give each of us the privacy we deserve during this time.”
On Tuesday, reports surfaced that Jordan McGraw was involved in the split. But, when asked if Dr. Phil’s son was involved in the breakup, as had been reported, Crystal’s manager shot down the rumor.
“Absolutely not true,” manager Michael Blakey told Access Hollywood.
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