Cinco de Mayo is upon us, and that means one thing — time to find the perfect magarita!
Marcos Tello of Tello Demarest Liquid Assets stopped by Access Hollywood Live to share three great recipes just in time for your weekend fiesta!
The Partida Margarita contains:
1.5 oz. Partida Blanco Tequila
1 oz Fresh-squeezed lime juice (approximately the juice of 1 lime)
3/4 oz. pure, organic agave nectar
3/4 oz. pure spring water
Shake all ingredients with ice in a shaker. Strain over fresh ice into a Margarita glass or Old-Fashioned glass. Taste for balance.
2 oz. Del Maguey Vida Mescal
3/4 oz. Honey Syrup (3 parts clover honey to 1 part water)
3/4 oz. Fresh Lime Juice
Shake& Strain into a Cocktail Glass
Garnish: Sprinkle a little Cayenne& Salt on Top
Non-Alcohol Maid:
2 Cucumbers
6-8 Mint Leaves
1 oz. Purified Water
3/4 oz. Simple Syrup
1 oz. Fresh Lime Juice
Muddle all ingredients in a mixing vessel. Fill with ice, Shake and Strain into an ice-filled rocks glass. Garnish with a Mint Sprig.
For a Tequila version aka Pepino Fresca….simply sub out 1 oz. of Purfied water for 2 oz. Partida Blanco and follow the same recipe and directions.
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