While the thought of turning 40 sends many women into an emotional tailspin, “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” star Cameron Diaz (who will hit the four-decade milestone in August) said she’s actually excited about her upcoming birthday.
“I love getting older,” Cameron told Access Hollywood’s Shaun Robinson of turning the big 4-0 at the “What To Expect When You’re Expecting” junket in Los Angeles on Friday. “I think it’s such a blessing.
“Look, the alternative to getting older is [being] dead, so…” she trailed off with a laugh. “I feel very fortunate to have a very full, loving, blessed life, so, I’m living it to the fullest.”
Beyond the obvious benefit of aging, the blond beauty said she’s savoring the mental and spiritual growth that occurs naturally with added life experience.
“As I get older, I become happier — because I’m wiser, I know myself better [and] I connect to people better,” she explained. “I think that in our society we don’t honor older generations enough because we think of it as being bad because the appearance changes.
“I say, embrace it. I love getting older, I love everything that comes with it — I’m better in every way because of it,” she continued.
Cameron is known for her legendary bikini body and she admitted her physique is improving with age.
“My ass is definitely higher than it was when I was 20,” she told Shaun. “This is the thing that people don’t understand — take care of your body [and it will] get better! It gets better as I get older. Absolutely.”
See Cameron in her latest role as expectant mom/TV fitness guru Jules (alongside Jennifer Lopez, Elizabeth Banks and “Glee’s” Matthew Morrison) when “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” opens in theaters on May 18.
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